Sunday, June 12, 2011

Baba Ramdev and black mani!

Kopykatman solves Baba Ramdev's black mani problem.
Kopykatman, Sunday Midday comics


Nandu said...

no where near a witty one. What are we trying to say here?

Anonymous said...

I agree, while the artwork is funny , there is just too much dialogue.. like in the first frame, if he d just said "But i am not fasting, i am just on a diet,," we d figured out the rest from the cartoon (i e he is being arrested)....

Anita Sharma said...

Now where is barking dog Diggy,ideot kapil.We the people of Haryana behind the Baba,if any one try to interfere with baba, then keep it mind delhi is 4 side,Bahdugarh,Sonepat, faridabad and Gurgaon,srronded by Haryana.U desdrohi,if start then u have no place for hideout,And we can capture the delhi within no time to spare.

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