Monday, September 5, 2011

More PAWAR to cyber freedom!

I was asked by Mumbai Crime Branch(Cyber cell)'s Mukund Pawar to remove this cartoon from my blog, since a certain Anjaria (NCP member and Chairman, Advisory Council Jama Masjid) filed a complaint against this cartoon. I was told, the complainant thought this is obscene. When I asked Mr. Mukund Pawar, what he thought about the cartoon, he said he also thought this is obscene and needed to be removed. I was both amazed and amused at the reason given.
Some of my friends at Midday suggested me to remove the cartoon for now as they feared the cops may harass by calling me to Mumbai frequently(I'm based in a small town in Mangalore now). So I saved the post as a draft.
But I had to fail the complainant's motive. So, I decided to spread the cartoon online through facebook, twitter. I'm really overwhelmed by the response I received from netizens who shared this cartoon with vengeance! It also proved that the cartoon wasn't my own viewpoint. The same thought was shared by all those people who shared it.
Now there's no point in keeping this post as a draft, so now I'm freeing it again to the cyber world!
More power to cyber freedom!

Let me share with you what Pritish Nandy, well known journalist and columnist said about Mumbai Police's cyber policing
"I think its brilliant and its a shame that Mumbai Crime Department has asked for it to be removed. You must ensure that all newspapers all over India report on this and carry the cartoon. We are not living under the Emergency."

I thank each of you, who stood by this cartoon & the freedom of expression.


Unknown said...

Sir, forgetting is not a crime. So what if a few zeroes have been missed out

Anjaria said...

Sir, I feel very disgusted while seen yours this cartoon about one of the great Leader of Nation Shri Sharad Pawar Ji who serve his best service to the nation entire life for devloptment of our country. I advice and humbly request you to say sorry to the this Great Leader of Nation and People of India or ready to face the legal action under the provision of Law. - Anjaria

Anjaria said...

Sir, I feel very disgusted while seen cartoon which u have made. one of the Great Leader of Nation Shri Sharad Pawar Ji who serve his entire life for the devloptment of Our Nation India. Who spend his whole life for giving the service to the people of India. The Senior Politician and National President of One of the National party of our Democratic Contry.I humbly request you to say sorry for the cartoon to this Great Leader and People of India. - Anjaria

RAHUL DB said...

Screw the bitch.

RAHUL DB said...

Screw the bitch.

InternetHindu said...

Dear Anjaria,

I chose not to mow you down on this wonderful blogpost on cartoons, but I cannot stay quite looking at your pathetic blind-eyed support for a crook known as Sharad Pawar. Every villager and as you mentioned "People of India" know the real Pawar and how treacherous his intentions to the nation have been. It is more than hilarious to say that he has 12Crs. Maybe a small time party worker like you will have that money not your boss.
Time has come to stop thinking that your "People of India" will stop thinking about politicians and will still remain divided on caste based differences. Only that a politician is senior does not make him righteous. Its time you start finding an alternate profession.
Your not so great leader needs to know this too.

InternetHindu said...

Dear Anjaria,

I chose not to mow you down on this wonderful blogpost on cartoons, but I cannot stay quite looking at your pathetic blind-eyed support for a crook known as Sharad Pawar. Every villager and as you mentioned "People of India" know the real Pawar and how treacherous his intentions to the nation have been. It is more than hilarious to say that he has 12Crs. Maybe a small time party worker like you will have that money not your boss.
Time has come to stop thinking that your "People of India" will stop thinking about politicians and will still remain divided on caste based differences. Only that a politician is senior does not make him righteous. Its time you start finding an alternate profession.
Your not so great leader needs to know this too.

Sahil Jain said...

Satish ji , keep the good work going..
Dont get scared...
Sibal, pawar jaise 4-5 netaon ko chhod ke, saari 120 crore janta aapke saath hai ....

Sahil Jain
IIT Roorkee

Kishan Hattangadi said...

More power to your brush, Satish! Politicians cannot bear to hear or read the truth but that should not deter you in your mission! Full steam ahead!!

metalloid said...

earlier parliamentarians tried to curb our expressions in the name of breach of priviledge, which happens to be a century old british law, now in the name of obscenity. its nothing compared to what we discuss and how graphically we define some of our beloved and "POPULAR" public servents aka NETAS. its utterly disheartening to find our politicians using back channels to curb our thoughts and freedom. this is unacceptable, we who walk on roads under the scorching sun are sick and tired of this attitude.

Ashwin Rao said...

I guess the complaint you received is similar to those received by Google who for some reason are able to disregard such requests. Please visit and click on removal requests to sort according the number of removal requests. Now click on the (i) icon next to India. You will see the text "We received requests from different law enforcement agencies to remove a blog and YouTube videos that were critical of Chief Ministers and senior officials of different states. We did not comply with these requests."
Now the question in my mind is what is the action taken if you do not comply. I believe the problem you are facing is similar to the problem faced by google. If no action has been taken against google, then why should any action be taken against you!
Good luck,

derivatips said...

Dear Satish,
It is disgraceful that Mumbai's cyber police has asked you to remove the cartoon. Majority of the Indians would agree with your view. But, instead of ignoring the cyber police's request, you should seek legal advice regarding the applicable cyber laws and throw the ball back into their court. The efforts will be worth it.


Monusai Rathod said...

Dear Satish,

I am damn surprised to hear this news. This Cartoon made my day and i have the cutting with me.

Its a shame that Cyber-Police with no morals have sent such a notice to you.

Feel the pride that Mr. Pawar Jr, on behalf of Mr. Pawar Sr. (Read as Power) has BEGGED to you to remove the cartoon. This is a classic example of Mumbai Police works for Politicians not for a common people.

We are there with you, no matter what. Even if they bring here to Mumbai. We will show them the strength of social media. We Mumbaikars are there with you.

Monusai Rathod said...

Dear Satish,

I am damn surprised to hear this news. This Cartoon made my day and i have the cutting with me.

Its a shame that Cyber-Police with no morals have sent such a notice to you.

Feel the pride that Mr. Pawar Jr, on behalf of Mr. Pawar Sr. (Read as Power) has BEGGED to you to remove the cartoon. This is a classic example of Mumbai Police works for Politicians not for a common people.

We are there with you, no matter what. Even if they bring here to Mumbai. We will show them the strength of social media. We Mumbaikars are there with you.

Monusai Rathod said...

Just went through the ill-maintained website of Mumbai Police works horrible. There is no such rules or regulation put up on the website in terms of freedom on social media.

I wonder, These Guys like Pawar never took offense when Indian Gods, Godess and Mother India were painted nude by Late Mr. M.F.Hussain.

mega.sanjay said...

I wanna say 1 more tym ! Calling dat sick Anjaria "Idiot" wll b a huge insult 2 d idiots, Anjaria is directly on d payrol of Mr Crook Pawar , Satish Acharya Rocks, jaria "Idiot" wll b a huge insult 2 d idiots, Anjaria is directly on d payrol of Mr Crook Pawar , Satish Acharya Rocks,

பொடிப்பையன் said...

We are with you man. No worries..!

bankapure said...

you're simply awesome......kudos to your real talent.....and shame on to this bullshit govt......what you did is really amazing...... i just hate these political pawar's running foolish politics......

Jackie said...

Doesn't a Mumbai Crime Branch officer have more worthy tasks to attend to, while hes supposedly working, than to tell a cartoonist to take a picture off his blog?? Really, is this what the Crime Branch is using the taxpayer money for?? Theres little wonder where this country is going with bomb blasts investigations lost in the darkness. For Christ's sake get a sense of humour and a sense of realisation ( I am not sure if you'll get both if don't have them as yet!! ) Mr. Anjaria and more importantly get a general sense of things going on around you. Why?? Because you think Mr Sharad Pawar has spent his life for the people of India while on the contrary most of us think that hes made his life out of the people of India looking at the wealth hes accumulated out of taxpayer money over the years.

Keep up the good work Mr. Acharya.
And for the Crime Branch officer who called Mr.Acharya to remove this cartoon, GET A REAL JOB SOMEWHERE!! Try its real good..

Mohan Kumar said...

I find this a very mild one considering that the 'stripper' is a master at the art! Granted he has done a good amount of work too, he should have refrained from declaring his wealth - it would have hardly mattered coz people have begun to suspect even if by chance our politicians speak the gospel truth.

engeekay2003 said...

Do not deny the fact that Mr Pawar has amassed wealth. But during his tenure as the Chief minister, Mumbai used to be the best for common man. and has has done lots of good for the world of cricket , as a cricket administrator. But tell me , one politician in the country who is "goody goody " or "clean" ? All are in politics for making money only ! Then why single out Pawar alone sir ! don't understand that ? Many politicians have declared less ...
Anyway, nothing against you or Mr Sharad Pawar. Good day to you..

Amrut said...

Dear Satish

Good work. We all know the truth about politicians of our country and only few like you dare to go ahead and challenge their acts.
You should continue with what you are doing....

Mandeep said...

Great Cartoon sir. Whom are the politicians trying to fool by declaring a few crores of property worth. And about Mr Pawar, public doesnt forget when you try to shoot up sugar company price shares. Boos to their sychophants.


I suggest you to make more cartoon on sharad pawar... one day he will understand that whatever he had done, now useful for ruin him ! As a chief person of BCCI, 100% of cricket lovers lost essence of enjoying 'real' cricket due to match fixing, allow gambling through sms and commercialization as well as, an agriculture minister of India, 70% farmers' daily life is dependent on only farming, do suicides due to get less money of their work, purchase their goods at lowest price by govt. and get highest price by selling through big companies like reliance fresh, big bazaar, mega mall, spencers to common people, corruption & inflation. The only person behind our prime minister dr. manmohan singh who influence by his money and power is MR. SHARAD PAWAR... so spread awareness through your blog to people... U have done a very good job by showing this cartoon and gets comment from govt... I congratulate you for it. DO WHATEVER YOUR HEART TELLS !!! JSK.

Prakash Anand Patil said...

Your cartoon is fantastic and I congratulate you for your courage. The Rs 12 crore declared by Pawar is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg (or, rather, tip of a dinosaur's tail). Our desi firangis have plundered the nation in the last 60 years many times more than the British looted India during their 200-year rule. The day when the ill-gotten wealth of these brown firangis is confiscated and all these bandits sent to jail, that would be the day when India would have won second Independence.

izzhaar shaikh said...

plz remove this cartoon from your blog

it is humble request

izzhaar shaikh said...

plz sir remove this cartoon because SHARAD pawar sir is the power of our party

Anonymous said...

Dear Satish,

Please make a cartoon exposing Mr Sharad Pawar works in field agriculture and show the world how this great leader is more curropt than mayavathi. He had destroyed the environ ment by his big projects like sahara city and Lavasa.
He is most corrupt person.


Anonymous said...

Rightly said,I dont understand why Mr Anna Hazare has never spoken about this great leader. May Sharad Pawar knows very well how to shut peoples mouth who are agaist him. He is a very shrewed Politician

Anonymous said...

Personally I did not find your cartoon that interesting. However, regarding freedom of expression, I am with you. And yes, nothing can be more obscene than looting the money of the people of the country and stashing them in foreign banks. Politicians, go get rid of that of obscenity first and no one will be making "obscene" cartoons of you people.



karthick said...

govt servents(here crime branch) are busteads .they allow god saraswathi to be drawn nude (?so its art),but not the one like pawar who deserve to be insulted

karthick said...

stupid law enforcement can accept nude saraswathi(GOD)but not politicians real f(ass)ce

ganeshkpai said...

Mr. Rahul Doshi, your words and tone indicates you are among the sheep who blindly follow Congress and/or are in equally deep or deeper shit (Corrupted) than Mr. Pawar. I request you to first go through his history of corruption before you dare raise your voice against any of the billion Indians who are fed up with this Govt and the corruption.
I deeply regret that the first vote of my life was given to this "Ghamandi" Govt, but happy that I have atleast now opened my eyes and realized I am a Human unlike many of you.

Its our hard earned money the eat and store in millions, keeping us and other Citizens hungry and naked. If he is a truthful Indian, why does he not show his accumulated wealth?
Same is the story with Congress Govt and their to pass Lokpal bill which is among the first stpes to end corruption.
I agree that Lokpal bill alone will not end corruption, but common, its atleast a start - More of a ray of hope!

Dear Mr. Acharya, ours is a Democratic country, every one of us has every right to express our views and raise our voice against corruption.

Clowns like these are scared of getting stoned to death by us once their corrupt ways and actually accumulated wealth come to light.

We and all the "Honest and Truthful" Indians are with you.


Aariya said...

Marvelous work!!! Keep it up!!!

Human said...

The Best I have ever come across. Most Hilarious and Wonderful. Satire at its BEST. Dude in you I can say India has FOUND the Next R.K. Laxman and WHAT A COINCIDENCE that you belong to KARNATAKA only! N about the brow-beating by police...Nothing to be surprised at or worry about the Maharashtra Police is good at only serving their Maratha Goons(Politicians) and have failed miserably in their basic Law & Order duty. So they don't deserve much respect. Anyways in a democratic set up this piece of art not only should be allowed BUT COMMENDED and GIVEN A PRIZE for giving expression to feelings/thoughts of Millions of citizens.

Mandeep said...

"Rightly said,I dont understand why Mr Anna Hazare has never spoken about this great leader."

Sir, I think you are mistaken here. Pawar was the first target of Anna Hazare when he had to resign from the group of ministers fighting corruption because of Anna Hazare's protest against him.

Churicode said...

October 10, 2011

Madam Ajnara,

Please dont include such persons who are to be tried under the Section "TREASON" to be the leader of the Nation. This Nation is great not from the day of our independence, but it is for the Centuries.

This is the land of Mahatmas, like The Great Buddha, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Paramahamsa, Ravindra Nath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, etc.

But this Pawar and company are the people those who have made crores through the Scandals by depriving the benefits to the common Indian Citizens.

So please refrain from supporting such Thugs, and allow the nation to know WHO IS WHO.

Best regards,

James said...

You should be glad that they asked you to remove it. Otherwise, people like me would never have heard of you. Your cartoons are really good and i am a fan now :)

tk said...

No need to put the name beside of cartoon

tk said...

no need to put the name beside cartoon is self explanatory. Good work

Anonymous said...

U don't worry We r with u always.Waise bhi Jab ye neta Hamare Desh Ke saath aur Janta K saath
mazak kar sakte hai to Inke Saath Hua To Kya Gunaah hai. They Deserve It. The Shameless People.

Manas.....powered by mind said...

Those who spoke against Honorable Mr. Sharad Pawar..I will tell them to keep it up.But I tell you that you have ignorance for sure and you do not know about him.
---I am going to file a case against this blog...enjoy.

Sharad Pawar Zindabad !!!

Please dare to allow my comment.

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